+27 31 708 1222                              258 Underwood Rd, Sarnia, Durban, South Africa
Level 1
Leading & Cutting
Edge Technology

Music is ubiquitous and intrinsic in our lives.

It is also very personal and situational. Alro Automation Home lets you take control of the music in your home for each family member and each occasion.


Listen to your favorite artist, playlist, or streaming service in any room.


Create listening zones for indoor and outdoor parties.

Engineered for optimal listening experiences.

Alro Automation speakers and amplifiers are precision-engineered for optimal listening experiences in every room and throughout the home. Alro Automation Home also works with your favorite audio devices.

Listen passively or take control of your musical experience.

If you have Sonos® devices, you can access and control your system within Alro Automation Home. For power-users, the full Sonos S2 app can run natively on our touch screens.

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